Established in August 2004, Building Blocks is a nature-based preschool grounded in the traditions of a highly regarded Italian model of early childhood education. Popularized by the esteemed teacher and psychologist Loris Malaguzzi and named for the city in which it began, the Reggio Emilia approach is student-centered and responsive to children’s natural interests and ideas.

Perhaps most important, Reggio-inspired teaching awakens and reinforces the many different methods children use to express themselves—whether through the visual arts, music, drama, storytelling, or a host of other ways that Malaguzzi referred to as “The Hundred Languages of Children,” after Malaguzzi’s poem (1993c) “the child has a Hundred languages, and a hundred hundred hundred more.”

With the Reggio Emilia method as our inspiration, Building Blocks places an emphasis on Nature as a vast and wonderful classroom—and puts your child in the center of it. Nature walks, unscripted exploration, and good old-fashioned outdoor play provide the backdrop for learning.
Math, science, and language skills evolve naturally through meaningful and engaging activities. Social dexterity forms and flourishes as children learn to work together, recognize relationships, and make connections. Building Blocks Preschool prides itself on the excellence of its teachers, all of whom are committed to providing your child with extraordinary learning opportunities. Every student adds to the community of learning at Building Blocks. Children are valued for their creativity, their natural curiosity, their expressiveness, their differences, and their endless potential. We celebrate their appetite for invention, encourage creativity in problem-solving, and revel in their accomplishments.